Royal Gardens Community Programs

  • Okinawan Karate and Kobudo

    Royal Gardens newest program is in partnership with Kaizen Dojo, whose instructor brings over 45 years of experience to our community. We are excited to provide this affordable and family focused opportunity to our community.

    Programs for youth and families and adults.

    Classes will be held Thursday evenings in the large hall; program runs year-round.

    Classes held May-August may be held outside (weather pending)

    Adult classes video (Youtube)

    Kobudo video (Youtube)

  • Ladies Fitness

    Royal Gardens longest running program.

    Regular exercise promotes physical and mental health and well-being. When offered in a welcoming, non-competitive environment, with excellent instruction and great music, it’s a recipe for success!

    Classes are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 9AM - 10AM and 1015AM to 1115AM .

    Spring Session begins April 14th until June 13th

    Questions: Contact Sharon Bruce at

  • Community Swim

    Free swimming at Confederation Pool with your Royal Gardens Community League Membership every Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 pm until 5:30pm.

  • Soccer

    Edmonton Minor Soccer Assoc (EMSA) runs a club and community indoor and outdoor program through each city zone (SE, SW, NE NW). As RGCL has not had its own soccer director for many years, we are grateful to the Greenfield Community League for allowing our families to register through their community.

  • Skating

    Royal Gardens skating rink is open to all community league members across the City. Check our social media pages for opening day (usually December).

    The rink will be closed when the outside temperature is above 5 Celsius or when conditions are unsafe.

    Skate Tags are required and provided with a RGCL membership.

  • Green Shack

    Get active and join in on games, sport, crafts, music, drama and special events! A complete list of activities and special events is posted on the side of Green Shacks each week. If there is a game or activity that piques your child's interest that you would like to have included in the programming, just ask the Program Leader.

    Starting in July until the end of August. Check our social media pages or the City of Edmonton website for more information

    Daily from 10:30 am until 5:30 pm

    July 04 to August 24, 2023

    Royal Gardens Park Playground