Okinawan Goju-Ryu (Karate) and Kobudo

Karate for a better human being? Absolutely! Come study karate from its birthplace - Okinawa!

It doesn't matter your age, gender or overall fitness level, karate has something to offer everyone - now!
The Japanese expression 'Onko chishin' ( 温故知新 ) means to study the old to create new. Karate is your new knowledge to help with self-confidence, self-discipline, focus, awareness (internal and external). It can help you improve your balance, coordination, flexibility, dexterity, speed, agility. It will help you be more confident, more assertive. it can help improve memory!

Studies have shown that martial arts in general - and karate in particular - can be beneficial to young and old alike! They key is working at your own pace but pushing yourself just outside of your comfort zone. You'll be surprised by what you find there! (Hint - it might be a new you!) It all starts with the challenge of taking that first step onto the floor!

We offer two different types of Okinawan martial arts; both systems are indigenous to the island and are practiced today both on the island and around the world.

Make no mistake - while martial arts are typically practiced today as sport, we train karate and kobudo as martial arts. Understood properly in that context, students can discover that they are lifelong pursuits - they can become a way of life that can be beneficial to longevity and overall health.

Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate

Did you know there was a real Mr. Miyagi? And that it was he and his students that inspired the Karate Kid movies and the Cobra Kai series. But Goju Ryu is more than what you see on the screen. This comprehensive art, one of three three core styles of Okinawan karate, is influenced by Chinese martial arts and contains far more than just kicking and punching.

Goju means hard and soft - and your study of those two elements will help you unlock some of the coolest elements of this old school system. Our system uses a variety of exercises to help you strengthen your mind and body: partner drills, body conditioning  and use of training equipment along with the basics and preset forms. Study of the concepts of Okinawan 'Ti' help us decode the practical defensive techniques inherent in our training. 

For kids, we also offer opportunities for competing in provincial level karate tournaments (*Karate Alberta-sanctioned events).

Ryukyu Kobudo

You've seen the tools, now understand their true power and transformative nature in the study of Ryukyu Kobudo. The indigenous tools of study can help to take your karate to the next level!

It is said that Karate and Kobudo are like brother and sister - they are largely complimentary. Understanding the application and use of each tool takes dedicated practice to use effectively and confidently. The tools become an extension of your body. Transferring the power of your body into the tool requires you to rethink how you move (think economy of motion, efficiency) and your appreciation of space (you're now using tools that extend your reach and use of space - they are an extension of you body!

There are eight tools in all, including bo, sai and tonfa; you'll learn to use them through the study of kata and application.


Youth and family program (6-7PM) Ages 7-12 years

The program is first and foremost for kids. It takes them through the stages of each level to help them develop their physical potential while learning the curriculum of Okinawan Goju at an appropriate level. However, parents are encouraged to participate to make training a family activity and to encourage kids to view karate as an opportunity to explore lifelong physical literacy. (Parents can also train in the adult class and kobudo at no extra charge). 

Focus for this class is basics, individual and partner drills and forms. Those interested in competition will also learn the fundamentals of kumite (sparring). Tournament participation is not mandatory.

EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE FOR STARTING AGE ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS. Please contact the instructor to discuss.

Adult program (7-8PM) Ages 13 years +

This program explores the full range of Okinawan Goju Ryu. Class includes warm ups and exercises designed to help improve physical range and strength. Body conditioning, power generation exercises, learning and applying kicks, blocks, traps, punches, throws and other techniques used in Goju comprise the typical classes. Adults work at their own level of ability and will be encouraged to push themselves out of the comforts zones to grow their techniques and expand their abilities. Low-medium contact exercises are conducted with safety in mind. Partner drills and exercises (classical Okinawan karate does not use sparring as a tool of study) will require users to purchase/ use their own equipment (cups and gloves are mandatory beyond orange belt; forearm and shin guards are optional). No experience required for participation. 

Ryukyu Kobudo (8-9PM) Ages 13 years+

Some experience in a martial art is beneficial but not required. Class includes warm ups with and without tools. Typical class consists of study of use of tools through basics and application through both forms and partner drills. The dojo has a limited supply of extra training tools. Students will be encouraged to purchase their own tools for study/ use.

Class Information

Every Thursday evening in the Royal Gardens Community Hall (except holidays)


Fall Semester starts September 04, 2023
Winter Semester starts January 07, 2024
Summer Semester starts May 02, 2024


Fees are $120 a semester per person plus an annual $35 association fee.

Discounts are available for family members who sign up for classes together (must be in the same household).

Want more?

We belong to:

  • Karate Alberta

  • Sekai Goju Ryu Ryusyokai Association (based in Tomigusuku, Okinawa)

  • Ryukyu Kobudo Tesshinkan Kyokai (based in Nanjo, Okinawa

  • North American Ryukyu Kobudo Tesshinkan Association (based on Vancouver Island)

We take part in annual weekend training camps (kobudo) on Vancouver Island and in Lower Mainland BC

We host sensei (karate) from Okinawa every few years for weekend training camps here in Edmonton 

We undertake group tours to study karate and kobudo as well as explore Okinawan culture and history (next is planned for Summer 2024 - join us!)

We undertake annual training challenges to raise money for cancer research (every October)

The instructor

Renshi Jamie Hanlon began his journey in karate 45 years in southern Alberta. He achieved his shodan (first degree black belt) in 1985. Over the years, a lack of instructors near him and an interest to explore other arts led him to, among others, Japanese Ju-jitsu, Korean Hapkido, Aikido and Olympic Taekwon Do. In the latter, he studied to yidan (2nd degree black belt). During his time in Taekwon Do, he was fortunate to compete in the Canadian Forces CISM Taekwon Do program.

He returned to his karate roots in 1993 in Winnipeg with the study of Goju Ryu under the late Kim Marshall, Renshi, rokudan. He continued his study of Goju and returned to his study of Shorin as well. He was awarded his sandan (3rd degree black belt) in Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu in 1999. 

In late 2005, he moved to Edmonton and began running a community-based club in Edmonton in 2006. While he has operated in and trained at commercial dojo, he returned to the formula of many Okinawan masters - where karate is first and foremost their passion. The dojo is a passion project and operated as not-for-profit. The core ideal of the dojo is to make training affordable for all. In 2009, he received is sandan in Goju Ryu. He was promoted to yondan (4th degree black belt) in 2012.

He currently holds the rank of godan (5th degree black belt), which was awarded to him 2017. At the same time, he was given the title of Renshi (expert or polished instructor).

In 2021, he was awarded nidan (2nd degree black belt) in Ryukyu Kobudo in the Tesshinkan kyokai.

While many people training today will tout high ranks and/ or championship titles, etc, Renshi Jamie's philosophy can be broken down into two basic principles that are inherently complementary and promote why karate is a lifelong pursuit

  • maintain/ foster shoshin: the beginner's mind

  • chase knowledge, not belts or titles.

Renshi Jamie Hanlon

For questions about the programs please contact the instructor


Minor: Registration and Waiver form

Adult: Registration and Waiver form

Register online or send the completed form to: